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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 2009

Post, View & Vote for Links Here. Get a $10 credit for signing up today.
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PTR Chart:
Site NamePer ClickReferral ClickAds/DayPayoutMinimum?Payout MethodPayout Time
Ad Flasher
Instant? See Below
Bux Matrix
Clix Sense
By Postal Mail
Deals N'Cash
By Postal Mail
Hits 4 Pay
Neo Bux
People String
See info below
Word Linx
Now to the details:

Newest PTC:

People String [Joined 03 October 2009]
10/03/2009 Total number of members: ????
Ads Viewed: 00
Surveys Taken: 01
Referrals (stats): 0
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 1.53
Cashout Minimum: $?.00
Payment Processor: ?
Premium Membership: $100.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $0.00
03 October 2009: Just joined! Pays you to take surveys, read email and receive postal mail. I signed up for 5 pieces of postal mail per day to see what happens. Pays referrals down to 6 levels. 1st survey pays $1.50 and you get 3 cents as a signup bonus.

Neo Bux [Joined 03 May 2008]
10/03/2009 Total number of members: over 3,000,000+
Ads Viewed: 4127
Referrals (Direct): 6
Referrals (Rented): 116
Referrals' Visits: 113137
Balance: $ 1.612
Renting Balance: $0.002
Golden Pack Balance: $42.00/$290
Cashout Minimum: $3.00
Premium Membership: $90.00 per year [was $60.00 per year last year]
Total Amount Converted: $1,105.218
Total Invested: $385.00
Total Amount Paid: $20.405
25 November 2000: Daily earnings for November 2009.
03 October 2009: Still having trouble connecting with different browsers, but the time of day makes a big difference. Very little trouble in morning, lots of trouble around midnight. Daily earnings for October 2009.
04 September 2009: Daily earnings document now shows if there's trouble connecting to the site with different browsers, updated in real time as it happens.
01 September 2009: Daily earnings for September 2009.
25 August 2009 Rented 10 refs using $2.80 in earnings. Instant delivery once again. Upgrade to Golden Membership again? Why?
23 August 2009: Neobux Daily Earnings March to August 2009.
12 August 2009: Rented 10 refs using $2.80 in earnings. Delivery was instant, no waiting X number of hours for them to arrive like on Golden Membership.
03 August 2009: Forum and PM are back. I guess I'm no longer in Neobux Timeout.
02 August 2009: Vague references to new Golden membership benefits for the 95% [oops, I mean 5%] of Golden members who renewed without letting their memberships expire, have been revealed! Still not worth paying $90.00 for.
24 July 2009: I'm using this PTC as one half of an income generating program with the goal of making $1000 dollars per month in revenue. The other site is Ad-Ventures 4 U. See details of this plan in my newest blog: $1000 Per Month


Bux Matrix[Joined 21 January 2009]
09/08/2009 Total number of members: 29,448
Ads Viewed: 140
Referrals (stats): 0
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 0.914
Matrix Balance: $4.00
Cashout Minimum: $2.00
Premium Membership: $12.00 per year for Bux & Matrix, $48.00 for Bux only
Total Amount Paid: $6.00
Total Invested: $12.00
Comments: This PTC has both ads to click and a 3x12 $1,000,000 Forced Matrix, the payment proof below is from the matrix earnings. Forced Matrix commissions are paid once a week, automatically, when Your forced Matrix commission account will reaches $5.00
16 April 2009: Recieved $6.00 from my matrix earnings in my Alerpay account [Net $5.60]
Bux Matrix Payment 16 April 2009

Hits 4 Pay [Joined 15 January 2008]
10/03/2009 Total number of members: ???
Ads Viewed: 114
Referrals (stats): 13
Referrals' Visits: 319 on 1st level, 646 on 2nd level.
Balance: $ 12.05
Cashout Minimum: $25.00
Premium Membership: $??.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $23.96 [$5.99 per month Affiliate Builder Program]
Comments: Emails pay 2 cents each, plus 1 cent earned from each referral's view. The give you $10.00 for joining.
02 September 2009: $17.07 left to go!
23 July 2009: Referrals must have stopped clicking, ref visit numbers unchanged.
14 July 2009: $20.35 left to go!
07 June 2009: $21.93 left to go!
17 May 2009: Got paid! $26.52 via PayPal
10 May 2009: From the site "Notes: Payment will be sent between May 15 and May 18."
17 April 2009: I hit the minimum payout figure! Let's see how long it take to get paid.
31 March 2009: $1.45 left to go!
05 January 2009: Signed up for Affiliate Builder Program @ $5.99 per month PayPal subscription.
02 January 2009: Only $4.97 left to go!

Deals-N-Cash [Joined December 2007]
10/03/2009 Total number of members: ???
Ads Viewed: 299
Referrals (stats): 1
Referrals' Visits: 25
Balance: $ 12.44
Cashout Minimum: $30.00
Premium Membership: $??.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $0.00
Comments: Sister site to Hits 4 Pay. Check both sites for ads each day, if one doesn't have any chances are the other one will. Emails pay 2 cents each, plus 1 cent earned from each referral's view. The give you $5.00 for joining.
09 September 2009: Frames are working again.
07 September 2009: Frames are not working.
03 September 2009: Frames are working again.
02 September 2009: Only $18.45 left to go! The frames fail to work properly, I have to open ads in another tab in order to view them.
07 June 2009: Only $21.93 left to go!

ClixSense[Joined 07 October 2007]
10/03/2009 Total number of members: ???
Ads Viewed: Lots
Referrals (stats): 0
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 7.51
Cashout Minimum: $10.00
Premium Membership: $10.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $7.28
Total Invested: $10.00
ROI: -37.36%
07 September 2009: Found out if you convert some of your revenue to ads you don't have to pay the $3.00 check fee.
02 September 2009: $13.92 left to go! [I reset the minimum check to $20.00]
05 May 2009: Achieved the minimum payout figure of $10.00 [actually it was $10.28], but the check sent to me was for $7.28. $3.00 of it is a fee for paying me the check. I guess it costs that much for the paper, the envelope and the stamp.
19 April 2009: $0.05 left to go! Upgraded to Premium for one year (expires: 26 Jan 2009). Ads pay up to $0.02 each. Payouts paid by check mailed once per month. No Pay Pal.

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Ad-Ventures[Joined April 26, 2009]
09/01/2009 Total number of members: 20,060
Total Pro Members: 4876
Ads Viewed: 25 per day, 248 total
Referrals (stats): 4
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 48.50
Cashout Minimum: $5.00
Ventures Cost: $10.00 each
Total Amount Paid: $6.00
Total Invested: $30.00
25 September 2009: Received $6.00 from the last revenue share cashout, they're working on a new revenue sharing system. Still surfing 15 sites per day to remain active and not get bumped to see what the new system is all about.
o1 September 2009: Site is changing, no longer accepting new members, not clear as to why.
19 May 2009: This is a traffic exchange program that shares the revenue equally among the members depending on how many ventures you have purchased. Ventures are like shares. You can put up to 20 sites on this one. Pro members surf at 1:1 ratio. Free members must surf 70 sites per week. One venture purchased makes you a Pro. Earnings are paid weekly and if you don't cashout the balance gets rolled over.

Rev Share Global[Joined 07 July 2009]
07/07/2009 Total number of members: ????
Ads Viewed: 00
Referrals (stats): 0
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 0.00
Cashout Minimum: $?.00
Premium Membership: $??.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $0.00
07 July 2009: Just joined!

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