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Friday, January 2, 2009

The Bux PTRs January 2009

Free Advertising
PTR Chart: The best PTR listed 1st, the rest in alphabetical order.
Site NamePer ClickReferral ClickAds/DayPayoutMinimum?Payout MethodPayout Time
Neo Bux
10 Bux$0.01

20+Cash$10.00PayPal34 Days
AdverBuxFractional cents
Fractional cents
10+ Cash$20.00AlertPay/PayPal
Aurora Bux
7 Days
Bux Safe$0.015
7 Days$0.01
15+Cash$10.00AP/Payoneer60+ Days
Bux 3$0.01
20+Cash$2.00AlertPayInstant for Premium Members
Bux Clicks$0.01
10+Cash$10.00AlertPay30 Days
Bux P$0.005
45 Days
$10.00 + 200 adsAlertPay 30 -60 Days
Bux To Ads
Cash Bux
Chill Bux

Clix Sense
Deals N'Cash
By Postal Mail
Dingo Bux$0.01$0.017+
Earn 3
Extra 10
Hits 4 Pay
Neo Bux
Oso Bux
$4.00+ 50 ClicksAlertPay?
Roudy Cash
Smith Bux
V Linx
Word Linx
Now to the details:

Neo Bux [Joined 03 May 2008]
01/27/2009 Total number of members: over 3,000,000
Ads Viewed: 2103
Referrals (Direct): 5
Referrals (Rented): 415
Referrals' Visits: 47274
Balance: $ 0.238
Renting Balance: $2.67
Golden Pack Balance: $42.00/$290
Cashout Minimum: $3.00
Premium Membership: $60.00 per year
Total Amount Converted: $454.702
Total Invested: $270.00
Total Amount Paid: $20.405
01 January 2009: I got 2 more direct refs today that were visitors of this blog! Thanks goes to new Neobux users Volv and Corrob.
20 December 2008: I'm sending most of my earnings into the Golden Pack Balance in order to upgrade to that level of service. Used Mini Rental Queue to successfully add 25 more refs.
13 December 2008: I invested another $20 via PayPal to take advantage of the new "Mini Rental Queue". Added 25 refs, supposed to take 1 hour. Rental Queue works 25 refs added!
30 August 2008: I requested my first payout today just to see if "Instant Payment" claim was true. Oh, it's true alright. I had my money in my AlertPay account in less than 5 minutes. This beats all other "bux" sites with their excuses as to why you have to wait over 6 months for payment. If Neo Bux can pay you instantly, there is no excuse why the others cannot do the same.

10 Bux [Joined 15 March 2008]
12/30/2008 Total number of members: 188,136
Ads Viewed: 991
Referrals (stats): 35
Referrals' Visits: 4514
Balance: $ 2.898 [47.16]
Cashout Minimum: $10.00
Amount Converted: $4.00
Premium Membership: $9.90 per month, $69.00 per year, $299.00 lifetime
Total Amount Paid: $11.00
Total Invested: $88.45
07 December 2008: Wating time to get paid 56 days
27 November 2008: Anti-cheat link added to bottom of ads. Do Not Click It.
12 October 2008: Requested a cashout of the whole $48.16 via AlertPay, the countdown starts today.
30 September 2008: Site is back! Was shut down by DDoS attacks, but the found a host that offers some protection from these attacks. No Block Dos yet (which I think is the one causing the attacks)
07 September 2008: Site is still down. If it remains down after 22 September 2008 I will declare it "dead" and move it to the Defunct PTRs page.
30 August 2008: Firefox can't find the server at
Comments: Part of the PaidClicks network
Requested $21.00 via AlertPay on 03 June 2008 0845/Receive maybe on 27 June 2008
Requested $11.00 via AlertPay on 04 May 2008 0938. Received on 28 May 2008. Not bad, 24 days later. Beats 60+ days later. Payouts to AlertPay. Ads $0.01 each 04 July 2008: Still no payout, looking more and more like in terms of payouts.

Bux2 Wait [Joined 16 November 2007]
12/20/2008 Total number of members: 11,759,010
Ads Viewed: 2771
Referrals (stats): 136
Referrals' Visits: 47480
Balance: $ 585.7425
Cashout Minimum: $10.00
Premium Membership: $59.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $16.00
Total Amount Invested: $197.81 [Premium Membership + 135 referrals]
Total time waiting for payout: 260 Calendar Days, 200 Business Days, 37 Weeks.
26 December 2008: The board is back up and the good news is they have to use a backup copy from June 2008 which was before my getting banned. So my old login info works just fine.
11 December 2008: Buxbb bulletin board is down. It no longer serves the purpose of generating more sales/suckers.
13 December 2008: Bots started clicking again, 20 more clicks (was 47460, now 47480).
10 December 2008: No longer able to access "My History" links on members page. Page loads really slow and the this is what comes up: "Oops! This link appears broken. Page not found - unknown error."
01 November 2008: "George" is back on the
board posting updates to keep the carrot just in front of everyone's nose. The "bots" must be tied to my clicking because the refs figure has gone up again.
12 October 2008: One of my "bots" must have started clicking again, 2 more refs visits.
AdBux [Joined 04 October 2007]
01/01/2009 Total number of members: 998,626
Ads Viewed: 246
Referrals (stats): 40
Referrals' Visits: 708
Total Points Balance: 11.25575
Current Point Value: 1.0
Actual Cashout Value: $11.26
Cashout Minimum: $10.00/$25.00
Premium Membership: $9.95 per month, $49.95 for 6 months, $89.95 per year
Total Amount Invested: $60.00
Return On Investment: -$48.74
Total Amount Paid: $11.26
Comments: This one is a fractional point/cent PTC and that is not worth anyone's time or effort.
02 January 2009: Finally got paid! 34 days after my request and an email telling them I didn't think they had enough cash flow to pay anybody I got paid. I sent the email at 11:09 and by 15:13 on 2 January 2009 my money made it into my PayPal account.
28 December 2008: Site now has annnoying corner peeling ad on every page viewed.
26 December 2008: I added a count up widget to show the time that has passed waiting for my loot.
29 November 2008: I hit the cashout button and it said I would get my money in 72 hours, we'll see.
06 October 2008: A referral made a click! 708 is the new number, wow! Perhaps this is the reason: From the cashout section of the site "Payment Request Option Not Available. AdBux Member Accounts "Audit Review" in Progress. " Those goalposts keep getting further and further away. Yep, this one sucks.
01 September 2008 My 40 referrals haven't recorded any clicks, 707 was the same number as last month. Probably figured these fractional cent paying ads and these silly "offers" aren't worth the powder it would take to blow them to hell. That and the new requirement to complete offers every 14 days BS. The latest last click was 26.54 days ago. Yep, this one turned to crap.

Smith Bux[Joined 02 December 2008]
01/30/2009 Total number of members: 104,964
Ads Viewed: 219
Referrals (stats): 9
Referrals' Visits: 180
Balance: $ 0.07
Renting Balance: $0.30
Cashout Minimum: $5.00
Premium Membership: $60.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $0.00
Total Reinvested: $2.70
Comments: $0.75 cents to go before renting refs! Only whole dollar amounts can be transferred to rental balance.
20 January 2009: Rented another 3 refs today.
05 January 2009: Finally rented 3 refs today. There were 203 when I clicked for my 3 and then there were 32 left.
31 December 2008: I have $1.00 in the rental balance, but there's only one or two refs available, not 3 so it never goes through.
06 December 2008: I think I'm going to try to do this one solely by the revenue generated. The fewest refs that can be rented is 3 for $0.90.
02 December 2008: Just joined!

Hits 4 Pay [Joined 15 January 2008]
01/02/2009 Total number of members: ???
Ads Viewed: 501
Referrals (stats): 0
Referrals' Visits: 0
Balance: $ 20.03
Cashout Minimum: $25.00
Premium Membership: $??.00 per year
Total Amount Paid: $0.00
Total Invested: $0.00
Comments: Emails pay 2 cents each, plus 1 cent earned from each referral's view. The give you $10.00 for joining.
02 January 2009: Only $4.97 left to go!

The Defunct PTRs Updated...Click here!


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