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Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Titan Cash Network Sold for $20,000?

Make Money Online! Earn $150+ Per Month!

UPDATE: The Truth All the text below is wrong. Go to "The Truth" link to learn why and to see the proof.

The Titan Cash Network was supposedly sold for $20,000 to some phantom buyer. I say a phantom because when I asked Preston J. Vonderwell to show some proof of payment he refused and kicked me out of the AdverCash Forum. AdverCash is the one site he kept when he supposedly sold his whole network to the new owners for $20,000.

What I need from the PTR public is information.

Were you a member of the following sites:

Have you received any payments owed to since 30 April 2008 the date of the sale?

Please leave you contact information in the comments field. I am investigating this with the possible outcome being criminal charges being brought against Mr. Vonderwell and/or a class action lawsuit. This "sale" smells fishy and it's looking more and more like fraud.

Thanks in advance for your help.


kypec said...

I joined TitanClicks on 4th April 2008. Three days later I purchased a pack of 10 referrals including insurance for $20 total. What a surprise that right after my purchase the price had dropped to $10 per pack. OK, it could be just coincidence. 15 days later I asked via support ticket to replace 5 of my PURCHASED referrals due to their inactivity=no clicking at all Sad Well, they replaced only 4 of them claiming that the fifth one HAS NOT BEEN PURCHASED so they cannot replace him.
I repeated that I have no other referrals than those 10 which have been purchased, all of them. Admins keep telling me they cannot prune that inactive referral because he HAS NOT BEEN PURCHASED Angry What's that supposed to mean? I'm not stupid and my english is good enough to communicate. Are they trying to scam?
BTW, only 6 of my referrals seem to be active which is pretty bad if you consider that remaining 8 (5 original + 3 replaced) have not clicked any ad since I bought them. Cronus and other admin mentioned in some other posts around here that no account can be canceled on TitanClick. Well, it's pretty unfair if you ask me. No member's account can be canceled yet it still can be sold to other members hoping for profit. Admin keeps saying "sorry for your inactive referrals but we can't do anything with it". However, they could do one thing at least which is to DELETE the account from database COMPLETELY once it has been proven inactive (not clicking for let's say 30 days). But they won't do that of course because it is much profitable for them to keep DEAD accounts in database and sell them again and again as long as WE PAY for it.

OK, here is the complete hardcopy of my communication with support personnel via tickets. They didn't even bother to answer my last response, what a bunch of scammers they are :<

--- Your Message To Administration ---

I'd like to have replaced 5 inactive referrals which I bought on 9th April 2008.
They haven't clicked any ad since then.
Please replace these 5 members:

--- Administrations Response ---

What is your user name?
--- Your Message To Administration ---

Perseus. Sorry for that, I'd suggest you provide an extra field for user name when submitting ticket so that no one can forget about it.

--- Administrations Response ---

ok they have been prunded.

--- Your Message To Administration ---

Thanks, but you have replaced only 4 members instead of 5 as I asked. Please prune also user "sjtprruy" ASAP.

--- Administrations Response ---

I only prune referrals that have been purchased.

--- Your Message To Administration ---

ALL my referrals have been purchased. I bought a packet of 10 referrals and there they are. So please replace him. BTW, it seems to me that the newly replaced refs are just as inactive as those before them. Do you dismiss inactive members from your database at all? It's hard to believe that 9 randomly (or is it on purpose?) chosen refs are inactive yet still present in your DB Sad

--- Administrations Response ---

no they are random and I'm truly sorry if they are in active but they are pulled from our referral purchase list.
Also, the one referral you would like to have replaced was not purchased so I could not replace him.

--- Your Message To Administration ---

What do you mean by "one referral was not purchased"?! I repeat that ALL MY 10 referrals HAVE BEEN PURCHASED!!! I HAVE ONLY THOSE 10 REFS WHICH I PURCHASED FROM YOU and NO OTHERS. If you don't replace him according to "insurance fee terms" for which I paid then I'll leave VERY BAD review on your forum as well as on other websites.

--- Administrations Response ---

sjtprruy was not purchased by you.
That referral was brought onto this site by yourself for free.
The records show it.
You wanted me to replace 5 referrals for you, but you only had 4 of them that were purchased.
The referral insurance only covers referrals that were purchased by the user.
You are not allowed to have referrals replaced that were not purchased.

--- Your Message To Administration ---

Your records are wrong and you are simply lying straight in my face! How is then possible that I have 10 referrals in total if I had brought someone myself AND in the same time I purchased one pack of referrals from you??? In that case I would be having at least 11 referrals in total because no referral can be pruned by me, isn't it so?! Stop telling such bullshit and do what I have paid for!

--- Administrations Response ---

I have credited you with the referrals you purchased.
Then I went in and replaced the referrals that were still there that were purchased by yourself.
It only showed that there was 4 referrals were bought and I replaced them.
If you had 5 to be replaced I would have replaced them but there was only 4 meaning some of your referrals were wither banned or pruned.

--- Your Message To Administration ---

OK, I'll try to explain it once more to you: I registered with TitanClicks on April 4th. I had 0 (zero) referrals until I have had purchased 10 referrals from you. I NEVER brought a single referral myself. Now you are telling me that some of my referrals were already banned? How can you sell banned referrals?! Is your policy to screw customers from their very first purchase like you did to me???